5 Questions to Ask Before Traveling Post-COVID

After over a year of uncertainty and total lockdowns, the world seems like it’s finally opening up again – but everything’s not over yet. Places might be opening up, but this doesn’t mean we can start relaxing. If anything, we have to be more vigilant now that more of our safety is put into our hands.

Therefore, you have to do a little self-assessment before you decide to travel in these early post-covid days; and this article will tell you all the questions you need to ask.#1 “Are you, or the people you’re traveling with, fully vaccinated?”

The single most effective countermeasure against the Covid virus is vaccination, so, normally, this is the primary question to ask for would-be travelers.

If you still haven’t been vaccinated, you might want to hold off traveling for now; you’re actually more vulnerable to the Covid virus than those who are – and besides, countries will probably be discriminating against you in the first place. Some places might have reopened, but they’re taking the utmost precautions.

2 “How isolated is the place you’ll be staying at?”

You might be fully vaccinated, but these are not the times to court disaster by staying in an easily accessible shared space because it’s good for your budget.

When planning your vacations, stay in isolated spaces as much as possible. Avoid sharing living spaces with strangers, such as in cheap dormitory-style hostels. If possible, stay in an exclusive rental place with your immediate family or your fully vaccinated travel buddies. The fewer people there are, the better.

3 “How will you get to your destination?”

The less time you spend with other people, the better – so driving in your vehicle is the ideal method of transport.

Air travel is next. Although still pretty risky, airlines have screening and quarantine procedures, and some lines have even reduced their seating capacity. When doing so, choose single flights without any layovers.

Perhaps the riskiest of all is the extended land commute, such as long-distance train or bus rides, so avoid these when you can.

4 “Did you pack enough health supplies?”

Pack masks and disinfectants, even vitamins to boost your immune system during the trip. Just because you’re vaccinated doesn’t mean you should stop following the minimum safety protocols, so make sure that you’ve packed enough supplies for your trip. Running out of them will mean more exposure and interaction, so it’s best to plan accordingly and pack enough.

#5 “Are you keeping track of your vacation place’s local infection rates?”

Different places have many different levels of concern. If you’re not keeping track, you could be putting yourself at risk by traveling there right when the virus cases start to surge.

Not only is this risky for you, but it can also quickly turn inconvenient should there be an increase in border security or even a hard lockdown. So stay vigilant, and if cases are on the rise, then maybe it’s best to call it off.

Travelling is entirely possible during these days – as long as you do it responsibly. Following guidelines and planning for everything will not be easy, but these are sacrifices that you have to make for your good. As long as you do everything right, then you’ll surely enjoy a pleasant and safe vacation.